Monday, September 21, 2015

Things to See When Living Car-Free

One of the benefits I love most about living without a car is the opportunity to see and explore the neighborhood in a way that is not possible from behind a steering wheel.

By riding bicycles or walking to the bus stop or to our final destination, not only are we getting more exercise and fresh air, we are also able to slow our pace and enjoy nature and the scenery along the way. It is a special bonding time for me and my son, and hands-on learning at its finest. And what a perfect opportunity to explain and illustrate the environmental benefits of having fewer cars on the road!

Here are just a few examples of some of our car-free sightings:

Why did the chicken cross the road? We found out this summer on our epic 7-mile bike ride to Mighty-O Donuts and preschool.

Have you ever noticed the time-capsule seed containers embedded in the sidewalk across from U-Village? We discovered them while waiting for the bus this past spring.

(This one was a great research-project opportunity, but we never did find out what the deal is with these: real time capsules, like the one in Olympia, or an art project, as another site suggested?)

And, when was the last time you saw an honest-to-god, real live, actual MONSTER TRUCK parked in your neighborhood? Saw that, too, on our bike ride to the Zipcar.

There are always plenty of interesting things to see, touch, and talk about on any walk or bike outing, plus a never-ending supply of treasures to add to a certain someone's nature collection.

More pictures are available in our Facebook album "Things to See While Living Car-free"!